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Series 3 & 4

Supported devices

If you are able to choose which BrightSign products to use, we recommend the XT or XD product lines for maximum performance.

More about Brightsign XT product line


  • Max. 2 videos at once.
  • Can display 4K videos.
  • XT1144 model contains an HDMI input slot.
  • Wallboard sensor handling on the XT1144 model through USB type A or type C.
  • Wallboard sensor event receiving with IR control.
  • Wallboard sensor handling through GPIO ports.

Currently supported firmware versions for JSCore BrightSign players


There are certain circumstances where 8.5 fw is needed. For this purpose we recommend the 8.5.47 version with the following caveats

Use with caution

As a general rule all subversions of 8.5 firmware have been identified to have a memory leak issues. Therefore, please proceed with caution while using this version.


Recommended version


Please note

This is the minimum firmware version where JSCore application is available

Currently supported firmware versions for Legacy BrightSign players


Recommended version



Recommended version


Known firmware issues


As a general rule all subversions of 8.5 firmware have been identified to have a memory leak issues. Devices reboot frequently and application crashes with this version.

8.5.31, 8.5.33

Video playback causes crashing and memory leak,

Devices reboot frequently with these versions


Devices sometimes freeze even from light content and lose connection frequently.

Previous firmware releases

For all the previous firmware releases you can visit BrightSign's official page

Content guidelines and restrictions

Content guidelines and restrictions for BrightSign client

Please note

Rotating 4K video content to portrait does not work on Series 4 players.

The way to accomplish 4K Portrait on a series 4 players is to keep the Content and player rotation in Landscape mode and encode the 4K video to be 3840x2160 (Landscape Resolution but rotated 90 degrees).

More information about our BrightSign client

Installation on BrightSign

BrightSign sensor

BrightSign wifi connection

If you have any technical questions or you did not find the answer to your question, please contact our Support Team (