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Advanced installation on JsCore

Using configuration file on fresh installation

Starting with Wallboard JsCore application version 4.1.204, users can configure fresh applications with a JSON file.

Brightsign devices

  1. Copy the application files to the root of the SD Card
  2. Create a config.json file into the root folder of the SD card
  3. Copy the following into the json file, and set the required configuration
"serverUrl": "https://your.server.url",
"installRuleKey": "3X4MPL4-1NST4LL-K3Y",
  1. Insert the SD card and start the player. It should register to the given server with the installRuleKey( if provided)

Samsung devices

  1. Copy the application files to the root/SSSP folder of the pendrive
  2. Create a config.json file into the root folder of the pendrive
  3. Copy the following into the json file, and set the required configuration
"serverUrl": "https://your.server.url",
"installRuleKey": "3X4MPL4-1NST4LL-K3Y",
  1. Insert the pendrive and start the installation from the devices menu. It should register to the given server with the installRuleKey( if provided)

Samsung Kiosk devices

  1. Copy the application files to the root/kiosk folder of the pendrive
  2. Create a config.json file into the root folder of the pendrive
  3. Copy the following into the json file, and set the required configuration
"serverUrl": "https://your.server.url",
"installRuleKey": "3X4MPL4-1NST4LL-K3Y",
  1. Insert the pendrive and start the installation from the devices menu. It should register to the given server with the installRuleKey( if provided)

LG devices

  1. Create a folder called application in the root of your USB drive
  2. Copy the .ipk file into this folder
  3. Rename the file to
  4. Create a config.json file into the root/procentric/scap/application/content/ folder of the pendrive
  5. Copy the following into the json file, and set the required configuration
"serverUrl": "https://your.server.url",
"installRuleKey": "3X4MPL4-1NST4LL-K3Y",
  1. Insert the pendrive and start the installation from the devices menu.
  2. Once the registration modal opens you should click the button Register with config json It should register to the given server with the installRuleKey( if provided)

LG device batch installation

If you find it inconvenient to set server settings on the device, you have another option

1.Create a file named scap_installation.json on your computer with the following:

  1. Copy this file into the root of the USB drive

  2. Insert the USB drive into the device and start/reboot it

  3. Then follow the steps from 7 on Installation from server

To check which OS or firmware version is installed on the device:

  • Enter the settings menu (the cog icon on the remote)
  • Navigate to General > System Information
  • Click on Update and wait till the process finishes

If you have more than one device you may find it tiring to manually set everything on all of your devices. In this case, you have the option to set everything on one device and copy – paste the configuration to other devices:

  • Enter the settings menu (press the cog icon on the remote)
  • Insert a USB drive into your device
  • Navigate to Ez Setting > Setting Data Cloning
  • On the first device push Export Setting Data
  • On the other devices push Import Setting Data

Using install rules

In the Install rules menu, you can create predefined rules for a mass device assignment process. Each rule has a unique install key that identifies the rule and has to be defined in the device installation script. See more about Install rules