Generic User commands for Android devices
Some functions on Android devices can be reached over the command sending function in the Editor.
These commands are available from the context menu of the device
Where can you set these commands?
1.x UI
These commands are available from the context menu of the device: Manage screen >> Send command
- A modal will appear where you can type or paste the command and send it to the device.
2.0 UI
Navigate yourself to Devices
menu, select the device
where you wish to send user commands.
- In the details tab, select settings, scroll down until you find the
Advanced controls
modal. - Select
Send command
- Here you will see a box where you have to place the
Generic User commands
Show debug logs
Sometimes the support team requires a device log from the users to find out what causes a problem on the device. Enabling the debug log on the device will show more information for us in the device log.
{"user_command":"ShowDebugLog", "command_data":{"enabled":true}}
Set WebView basic authentication for HTTP stream
Set authentication details for secured HTTP streams.
Examples on how to fill data in the command:
Set stream playback delay
Overwrites the default stream playback delay of the Hardware Accelerated Player to start playing the stream from the buffer faster or more delayed. The default value is 1500 (ms), and the command only accepts values between 500 and 5000.
{"user_command":"SetStreamDelay", "command_data": {"delay":2000}}
Turn on Wifi automatically
After the command is sent, the device turns on the Wifi, and every time the Wallboard application starts, it turns on the Wifi if it is turned off.
If the command is sent with a false value, it turns off the function.
Requires at least application version
{"user_command":"WifiAlwaysOn", "command_data":{"enabled":true}}
Turn on trust all webpages
This command allows the device to load untrusted sources into the WebView.
Enabling this feature carries a certain level of risk. Once this feature is activated, we cannot accept responsibility for any unexpected outcomes that may occur
{"user_command":"TrustAllPages", "command_data":{"enabled":true}}
{"user_command":"TrustAllPages", "command_data":{"enabled":false}}
Turn on system memory watchdog
This command turns on a system memory watcher. If the device reaches the given percent limitation the application makes steps to free up used memory by restarting itself. If the memory limit is exceeded a few times the application reboots the device to free up even more memory.
The minimum limit is 0.4, the maximum is 1.0.
{"user_command":"StartMemoryWatchdog", "command_data":{"enabled":true, "limit":0.7}}
{"user_command":"StartMemoryWatchdog", "command_data":{"enabled":false}}
Turn on IR handling
The Wallboard application disables the IR handling of the device by default to prevent people from turning off the device or causing any trouble. With this command, you can turn it on to allow the users to control the device with IR remote controllers.
If you turn on this function the Wallboard signage contents will not react to IR commands, only the device will receive them.
{"user_command":"IrHandlingByDevice", "command_data":{"enable":true}}
{"user_command":"IrHandlingByDevice", "command_data":{"enable":false}}
Replace WebView
To replace the WebView on Android devices please check the following guide: Android WebView update
Deprecated commands since v3.0
The following commands have been deprecated in the 3.0 versions
Set pinlock pin (Deprecated since v3.0)
Users can set a pinlock on devices with demo mode application. Whenever a person tries to reach the Android settings or the Play Store on the device the pinlock will appear and asks for the pin.
{"user_command":"SetPinLockPin", "command_data": {"pin":"6666"}}
Disable the Content Reload. (Deprecated since v3.0)
After you use this command you need to reload the application. After the restart, when you lost your connection and it came back, if you have no changes on the Content / Loop / Schedule it will not reload.
{ "user_command" : "DisableContentReload" , "command_data" : { "disabled": true }}
Qbic and Giada only
Set working hours
If you have 1.11 editor server version please refrain from using Working hours
feature as a user command.
In 1.11 we created a generic UI for the feature, please refer to that article on how to set it up under the Android section.
If you have 1.10 editor server version, and wish to use the command, please also refer to the linked article about the prerequsites of the feature.
{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours","command_data":{"switchOn" : "8:00", "switchOff" : "16:00", "days" : ["MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI"]}}
{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours","command_data":{}}
Commands for Qbic only
Set Qbic application update URL
{"user_command":"SetQbicApplicationUpdateUrl", "command_data":{"url":"PLACE_URL_HERE"}}
Set Qbic firmware update URL
{"user_command":"SetQbicFirmwareUpdateUrl", "command_data":{"url":"PLACE_URL_HERE"}}
Qbic HDMI / CEC control
{"user_command":"ChangeHdmiCecStatus", "command_data":{"status":"true"}}
{"user_command":"ChangeHdmiCecStatus", "command_data":{"status":"false"}}
Qbic on/off type
This configuration only allows choosing the turn on/off method.
HDMI output
Allows the device to turn on/off the output source, the device gives to the screen. The disadvantage is that it does not turn off the screen.
{"user_command":"DisplayStateCommandType", "command_data":{"type":"hdmi"}}
Allows the device to turn on/off the CEC capable screen through HDMI.
{"user_command":"DisplayStateCommandType", "command_data":{"type":"cec"}}