How does automatic device update work?
- Every 30 minutes the devices search for a new update, and download it.
- The next time the device is rebooted the changes will take effect and the update will be installed.
You can add criteria after editor version 1.11.637 which can prevent automatic updates.
- It has a version limit
- The update is scheduled with cron.
To know more about this, please move to the How does scheduled device update work? section
- You can also initiate update a screen or screen groups in the right-click menu. Under the manage screen sub-menu you can find the Update screen feature. This feature will force the device(s) to install the pre-downloaded update.
If the device is offline it will not be able to download updates and you can't force update until it reconnects to the network.
Update on Android
The application should automatically update when the device is restarted and the update has been downloaded to the device.
However, if the device is not rooted, a manual update is required.
Update on Windows
Similar to rooted Android devices, the application updates automatically upon a device restart.
The rigth-click update Screen option will only restart the application.
If the device is locked via KIOSK mode it WILL restart the whole device.
Update on BrightSign, LG, and Samsung
JsCore to JsCore latest version
The software attempts to update every time it restarts.
Legacy application to Legacy latest version
Similar to Android and Windows, automatic updates occur on device restart
LG, and Samsung
Auto-update is not available for legacy LG and Samsung platforms. However, you can update it from the Editor site, there is no need for a manual update.
Legacy latest version to JsCore application
This task can only be completed using the User command, it cannot be updated otherwise.
To know more about updating legacy latest version devices to JsCore application, please contact support!