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Screenshot datasource

Create datasource

Go to the Datasources > Click on the Add new inside the External datasource tab > Choose the Screesnhot type.

  • You have to decide how your datasource updates from the original source, either by selecting a Refresh Frequency or by specifying a Cron Expression
  • You can also assign teams to the datasource if necessary.
Please note

You can only create up to 5 screenshots in 1 datasource.

How to create the screenshots

  • URL
    Enter the URL to create a screenshot from it.
  • Image width
    Here you can define the width of the screenshot.


    If you not set a width, a default value will be applied (1280).

  • Image height
    Here you can define the height of the screenshot.


    If you not set a height, a default value will be applied (720).

  • Header
    Headers are useful if you want to create a screenshot of a website that requires authentication. Format: {"Authorization":"Token"}
  • Wait time (ms)
    This is the amount of time to wait before a screenshot is taken. Wait times could slightly vary due to webpage loading times.


    The wait time can be between 500ms (0,5sec) and 15000ms (15sec). When left empty the default wait time will be 2000ms (2sec).

Crop settings

You can crop screenshots by setting the top left coordinates (Start X, Start Y) and the bottom right coordinates (End X, End Y) of the image section you want to take a screenshot of.
For example:
- Start X,Y: 0
- End X,Y: 500
will give you a 500x500 pixel screenshot of your original image's top left corner.


  • Active
  • Ignore Error counter

and the editor.

  • Cache external resources
  • Remove broken external resource references
  • Rotate cache on every update
  • Exchange internal resource references
  • Request settings

You can randomize arrays if you enable the Randomize arrays function.

4. If all this is done you can click on the save then you are done!