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Milestones changes


Breaking changes
  • We no longer support TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocols
  • We have made significant changes to our statistics reporting. As a result, the following data will be permanently erased:
    • File reporting (File manager > Asset report)
    • Advertiser report (Settings > Advertiser)
    • Page usage statistics (Home > Contents > Page usage)
    • Custom reporting (Home > Contents > Custom report)
    • Device metrics (Home > Analytics)
    • If these reports contain crucial information, they should be manually backed up prior to server update
  • Starting with version 1.11.41 we removed charge logic from advertisers
  • Starting with version 1.11.96 Stopper widgets in older Contents can break, if bound with synchronization. In order to fix the issue the Stopper widgets must be replaced in the Content and the config file structure updated
  • Starting with version 1.11.514 tag handling matches full strings instead of substrings
  • Starting with 1.11.637 Request parameters are no longer editable under the following External datasources
    • CALENDAR datasources (both Google and Microsoft)
    • CAP
    • TOAST

Flagship functionalities

  • New Widgets:
    • Campaign
    • Wayfinding
    • PDF
  • Major Widget reworks:
    • Stopper widget now has count up from date and count down to date
    • Gallery widget accepts PDF files
    • Media widget received feed order dropdown: Default, Random, Reverse
    • Table widget received css update which handles images checkboxes and radio button ratio gracefully
  • Added new template type to Add page: Document, which will create a Gallery widget with the selected PDF file included
  • Extended Size & Position with the 1/3 sizing
  • New design for unexpired but scheduled files and files that have expired
  • Tag handling matches full strings instead of substrings
  • Proof of Play module
  • Campaign feature
    • Campaigns can be modified by Webhooks
  • Working Hours UI in Editor
  • Device update management feature in Editor
  • Remote firmware update for JSCore devices
  • Only play UI and day indicator for Campaign and Content editor
  • Implemented Single-tenant Microsoft application integration support
  • New External datasource types:
    • Excel Integration
    • Microsoft Sharepoint List
    • CAP Integration as a new External datasource type
    • Google Spreadsheet integration with API authentication
    • File from URL
    • TOAST integration
  • Implemented time-based refresh rates for External datasources: Refresh Frequency: Periodically refreshes the datasource Cron expression: Uses Quartz Cron Expression to define the refresh frequency of the datasource. This value cannot be shorter than 5 seconds.
  • Implemented ability to manipulate internal datasources from content
  • Ability to synch files as PDF in shared folders:
    • MS PPTX, XLSX, and DOCX files
    • Google Sheet, Slide, and Docs files
  • System datasource as a new category of datasources

Release cycle changes

We have introduced different levels of maturity for our newly added functionalities:


Something that we think is good enough to release, but we are still actively working on it. The feature might change, and these changes do not always have backwards compatibility. The goal with is to receive early feedback from users as soon as possible, and make the functionality even better. Use with caution, do not use it in a production environment, these features are for temporary exploration, use them accordingly.


Something that has been tested, discussed with users and includes requested features from partners and our end-users. Additional features may come out in the future based on more feedback, but these changes are backwards compatible. These functions can be used for more permanent showcases.


The functionality, that is used and tested by many users. It has no known issues by us. The stable version used by many users in production, bug fixes may apply, that are always backwards compatible.


Starting with 1.11 we are moving towards microservice based architecture

What are microservices?

Microservices are a software architecture pattern where an application is divided into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Each microservice focuses on a specific business capability and can communicate with other microservices through well-defined APIs.

What are the advantages of this architecture?

This approach allows for flexibility, scalability, and easier maintenance of complex systems. Microservices promote loose coupling, enabling teams to work on different services simultaneously and adopt different technologies for each service.

What that means for versioning?

Due to the independent development of microservices, we have the flexibility to release them separately from one another. This means that a specific microservice is not necessarily tied to a major editor version. Currently, as the majority of the system is not built on this architecture, we will release microservices independently, when applicable. In the future, when the system predominantly relies on this new approach, we may bundle these services together as part of a new editor version.


Breaking changes
  • Storage usage is limited for customers! Contact your system administrator if you need more storage.
  • We no longer support LG WebOS 3.x, Samsung SMART Signage Platform 4, and Samsung SMART Signage Platform 5 devices!
  • Starting with 1.10.164 this version, Wallboard no longer gives the opportunity for outsiders to freely register a client with one screen.
  • Starting with 1.10.164 this version introduces the Concurrent license limitation feature which was made for server owners to limit the number of screens displaying contents and loops by showing an overlay on those devices that are over the limit.

Flagship functionalities

  • Rapid preview making, high resolution preview function
  • Concurrent license limitation
  • New Elements:
    • Media widget
    • PowerBI widget
  • Generic sensor command option to the Action Designer
  • Data source mappers to Editor

Legacy server 1.9 or below

Please note

We do not provide support or assistance for servers that are running this version or older. We will not perform any updates or fixes on these server versions. We highly recommend considering upgrading to a newer server version to ensure compatibility, access to the latest features, and a continued support from our team.


To read the changelogs of these outdated servers you can find it in the Legacy category.


Flagship functionalities

  • New user role privileges
  • New Client Application:
    • Browser Session
  • New Hide UI feature

Breaking changes

  • Starting from version 1.9.119 we removed Mapwize widget.
  • Starting from version 1.9.69, new Android device installations are only possible with Android application version or higher. Previous installations will not be affected.


Flagship functionalities

  • New Client Applications
    • DBA (Desktop Broadcaster Application)
  • Emails can be white-label
  • Internal Datasource, Private custom widgets
  • New Elements:
    • Mapwize
  • Serial number installation
  • Customer level White-Labeling
  • Content and Loop analyzer
  • SSO login Feature


Flagship functionalities

  • Translate text widgets and change Content language inside of Content
  • Re-designed Loop Editor Interface
  • Content creation
    • Undo/Redo
    • Making Snapshot
    • Overlay
  • Connect Shared folder and Quick Filter Folder
  • Tagging option in File Manager
  • White-Labeling function


Flagship functionalities

  • Network owner and Network member management
  • New device monitoring (Analytics)
  • New licensing, and invoice system
  • Webhooks
  • External Sensors (M5Stack)


Flagship functionalities

  • Loop Editor
  • NodeJS script, Custom script to make your own Custom Widget
  • New Client Application
    • Samsung SSSP (Tizen)
  • Datasource handling, and Google sheet and data integration
  • DMS (Device Management Server)


Flagship functionalities

  • Content group function
  • Content and device tagging
  • Foreground image on elements inside of Editor
  • New Elements:
    • Weather Widget


Flagship functionalities

  • Primary-Secondary server architecture
  • OAuth2 user authentication
  • New Client Applications
    • LG
    • BrightSign


Flagship functionalities

  • Scheduler Editor


Flagship functionalities

  • Emergency feature
  • Soft-matrix (Making one Content for Multiple Displays)
  • New Elements:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter


Flagship functionalities

  • New Elements:
    • Google Doc
    • Google Calendar
    • Stream
  • Time Synchronizations
  • Templates
  • Translation
  • API function