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Version 4.0.399

July 24, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when in cases when two Windows devices had the same Windows deviceID then devices could not be installed on the server


  • Removed the splash logo from the application and changed it to a loading animation

Version 4.0.394

July 10, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the device went to sleep when All day was selected on some days in the Working hours

New features

  • Added the Mqtt client feature

Version 4.0.387

June 21, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the application cached resources unnecessarily
  • Re-added the CefSharp debug log to the application log zip

Version 4.0.383

June 17, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when 2 device could have the same HardwareID.

Version 4.0.380

May 27, 2024


  • Removed the kflash and esptool from the application

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the HTTP server sensor configuration did not work with a Generic sensor configuration

Version 4.0.372

April 9, 2024

New features

  • A new Advanced configuration has been added to disable the Preview picture creation and upload
  • A new Advanced configuration has been added to disable the Device metric and the Proof of display collection and upload


  • Added HardwareId property to Screen Info which contains a generated hardware ID from the device
  • Added support for moving a device to an other server without assigning to a customer

Version 4.0.356

March 21, 2024


  • Removed Sensor flasher feature from the application

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the working hours could be set on a device that did not support it
  • Fixed an issue when multiple sensor events at the same time could cause an exception and the loss of sensor events

Version 4.0.347

March 4, 2024


  • Added file size check before download to prevent a large file to fill up a the devices storage
  • Added more file validation to make sure the device's cache is always up to date with valid resources
  • Added support for the Video wall license

Version 4.0.331

February 6, 2024


  • Added the Install rule key and Virtual keyboard enable option to the configuration dialog advanced tab

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the Battery metric did not show the correct values
  • Fixed an issue when the Wifi signal level and Wifi signal DBM metric were not showing consistent values
  • Fixed an issue when the device did not wake up from sleep when the device was offline
  • Fixed an issue when in some cases the device could not load the content and stayed on a black screen

Version 4.0.317

January 18, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the application update could fail because of a corrupted update file
  • Fixed an issue when invalid negative Network RX/TX metrics were uploaded

Version 4.0.288

January 4, 2024

New features

  • A new metric has been added which shows the changes in the device's internet connectivity
  • A new property was added to the Screen info to indicate on which storage partition the application is installed on


  • The device metric uploading was improved to put less strain on the server
  • Added Sensor target property to sensor events coming from the displayer to help directly target messages to certain connected sensors

Version 4.0.275

Nov 29, 2023

New Features

  • Added support for Basic Authentication in HTTP streams, or on external websites
  • Added Server response time metric


  • The Cache resource validation has been improved to detect broken files
  • Added Wifi and Battery metrics, and WifiSSID to the Screen Info
  • Added Byte message format to the custom screen control configuration
  • Application settings backup has been improved

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the application reported negative metric values in some cases

Version 4.0.255

Nov 13, 2023

New Features

  • Implemented new device application update management


  • The Clear Cache page's design have been updated

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when large video files were not played by the application
  • Fixed an issue when the application in Kiosk mode did not sign in after an OS update

Version 4.0.235

Oct 2, 2023


  • A new parameter was added to the installer to disable the Metric service in the application (You can find more information here: Metric service)
  • The Metric service was reworked
  • Added new metrics to the device statistics that will show how many times did the application crash on the device

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the Working hours in screen mode turned off the screen then the application navigated the browser to the about:blank unnecessarily

Version 4.0.222

Sept 4, 2023


  • Added support for sending out sensor messages to sensors as bytes

Version 4.0.217

August 16, 2023

New features

  • Implemented the new V2 Preview API


  • Improvements were made to the cache rotate logic

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Working hours did not correctly determined the device's power state with Screen working hours mode selected

Version 4.0.210

July 21, 2023

New features

  • Added a new sensor configuration format
  • Implemented UDP server feature


  • Working hours feature has been reworked to make it less dependent on the Windows Task scheduler
  • The network type section in Screen info has changed to make it consistent with the other client applications
  • Improved the detection of the disappearing client interface from the JavaScript context

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where cached resource with an empty mime type could cause the cache process for the faulty resource to crash
  • Fixed an issue where some cache resources without a Content-Length header would not be loaded from the cache
  • Fixed an issue where the application could hang for up to 4 minutes when running on a Virtual machine
  • Fixed an issue where the application config dialog did not accept hostname URLs like http://localhost

Version 4.0.163

June 16, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where missing content resources were always rechecked on the server
  • Fixed an issue where the Cefsharp caused the content displayer to mistakenly identify itself as running in a browser preview instead of in a client application
  • Fixed an issue where in-use content resources were rotated out of the cache when the device storage usage reached 80% during content play

Version 4.0.150

June 12, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where cache handlers could conflict with each other resulting in partially loaded resources

Version 4.0.145

June 06, 2023

New features

  • Added a new advanced configuration option to set the application's window properties (Width, Height, Window position, Window mode)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the DPI was set to higher levels than 100% caused the UI elements to not scale correctly
  • Fixed wake up issues in the Working hours feature
  • Fixed an issue where the application could show a black screen on content load

Version 4.0.128

May 17, 2023


  • Removed the hardcoded \r\n from the generic sensor message sender, from now the \r\n end line characters have to be manually added to the sensor message if required.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where generic sensor communication could not receive messages from the sensor when the application

Version 4.0.124

May 15, 2023


  • Improvements were added to the WebView crash handling.
  • The Device working hours now loads empty page when it sends the device to sleep to prevent invalid Proof of Display statistics.
  • Refreshed the application's code signing certificate.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a resource could not be loaded from the cache because of an SSL error.

Version 4.0.103

April 19, 2023

New features

  • Added the support for Advanced device configuration server feature.
  • Added the support for 'Working Hours' 'Screen only mode' server feature.
  • Added a configuration dialog to the application that can be used to reconfigure the application without reinstallation.


  • Increased the built-in CefSharp (Chromium) version to 110.0.5481.78.
  • Increased the base .NET framework version to 4.6.2.
  • The application's installer has been reworked and now can be used with parameters and without UI in a fully silent mode.
  • The application's UI was fully reworked with Winforms framework to make it more compatible with CefSharp browser.
  • Added 'Hostname' to Screen info.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when the WebSocket connection between the client and the server was lost, the client did not reconnect.
  • Fixed an issue when the Working Hours did not reschedule itself when the device woke up from sleep.
  • Fixed an issue when the password of the Kiosk user was able to expire.