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Version 3.4.19

March 20, 2023


  • Added functionality to upgrade to JsCore

Version 3.4.16

November 03, 2022


  • Updated the Distributor Signing Certificate

Version 3.4.14

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where videos did not play on screens with newer SSSP versions

Version 3.4.10


  • The application can now perform a clear cache even if the device broke due to full storage space

Version 3.4.8

New features

  • Added Barcode and QRCode reader and printer features for Samsung Kiosk


  • Reworked the preview creation

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the registration process which caused the device to stagnate

Version 3.4.7


  • Added new device LOG levels including logs from the content displayer
  • Reworked onscreen LOG, to improve performance

Bug fixes

  • Fixed black screenshot issue with loops
  • Fixed deadlock issue when the device is offline
  • Fixed Online / Offline status indicator issue
  • Fixed device LOG missing LOGs issue

Version 3.4.3


  • Devices will now fill in the install web app URL when registering to a server

Version 3.4.2


  • Changed the display solution of HDMI input
  • HDMI input can now be placed in the background if the screen is in landscape orientation
  • Devices will only change content if the base files of the next content are successfully cached

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding displaying HDMI input
  • Fixed a bug regarding caching files

Version 3.4.1

New features

  • Added a user command for set working hours
  • Added bind datasource and bind data row functions
  • Added client-side interface for display on/off calls from a content


  • Reworked smaller services and media player
  • Improved file cache and clear cache. Getting a new cache list now cancels the previous caching process
  • Improved stability