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In Users menu you can see and manage all the users registered under the actual customer.

Add user


  • Name
  • E-mail
  • Password
    A password is not required at this stage. Users will receive an email upon account creation and must set their password during their first login. If the password field is left empty, a temporary password will be automatically generated.
  • Role
    Here you can select a role to the user


    • Viewer

    • Editor

    • Approver

    • Technician

    • Owner


  • Restricted

    (disabled by default)

    If you enable this option, the user will not be able to log in using either SSO or it's username and password.


    If you restrict the user , it will not be able to login into Wallboard!

  • SSO login enabled

    (enabled by default)

    If you switch off this button the user will not be able to login via SSO.


    If you disable SSO and Username/Password login, the user will not be able to login into Wallboard!

  • Username/Password login enabled

    (enabled by default)

    If you switch off this button the user will not be able to login with Username and password.


    If you disable SSO and Username/Password login, the user will not be able to login into Wallboard!

  • Can access network members

    (disabled by default)

    If you switch on this button the user will be able to see other users in the network.
  • User interface profiles

    (inherit by default)

    If you have a preset User interface profile, you can assign it to the user, or leave it empty, and the inherited rules will be applied.
  • Phone number
  • Comment


User interface

Page controller
On the right top corner of the users page you can

  • search by name
  • download spreadsheet
  • navigate to knowledge base.

Page limit

  • Above the list on the left you can select under the Show ▿ button how many items you want to see inside the list.

Column settings (⚙️)

Here you can set the following columns

The bold columns are enabled by default

  • State
  • Name
  • E-mail
  • Role
  • Restricted
  • Logins
  • Presence
  • Last activity
  • Authentication provider
  • Created at
  • User interface profile
  • Country
  • City
  • Pin code present
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Comment
  • Actions


The bold actions are enabled by default

  • Change password
    Here you can change the user's password.

    Please make sure your password meets the minimum requirements!

  • Set PIN code
    Here you can set a PIN code or reset the previous one.

    The PIN code you wish to set cannot be equal other users PIN code!

  • Edit
    Here you can edit the user details, and manage what can a user access when login into the server.
    • You can restrict the user's account, decide whether the user can login via SSO, Username/Password or both, or give access to the user to switch between network members.
    • You can also set User interface profiles to restrict accessibility to sections of the editor, enter a phone number, and leave a comment.

∘ Optional actions

  • Edit user interface profiles
    Here you can set a previously sat user interface profile to the user.
  • Show activity logs
    Here you can view the user's activities while they were logged in.
  • Remove
    Here you can remove the user. You will see a modal where you must confirm the user removal.