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Device actions

Actions allow real-time communication through HTTP requests.
These device actions are easy to use and very suitable when you want to use Action batches in your content.

  • They are usually triggered by an event like a command being sent to a device.
  • When that event occurs, the device makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the action.
  • To separate API calls from each other, you have to create individual API keys for each action.


Add action - Devices


  • Name
    Here you can name your device action
  • Event ID
    An "event ID" for an action call is a unique identifier assigned to each specific event or action that triggers the action.
    • It helps to track and manage different events sent by the actions to your system.
    • This ID allows you to identify and handle each event individually, ensuring that you can properly process and respond to the data or action associated with that event.
    • Essentially, it's like a reference number that helps you organize and understand the flow of information coming from actions.
    This event ID must be individual.
  • Action type
    Assign Content

    Here you can read more about content assign: MISSING LINK

    Disable emergency / Enable emergency

    Here you can read more about channel emergency contents: MISSING LINK

    Load URL

    The selected device will load the entered URL(s)

    Resume loop / Pause loop

    Start / Pause the selected loop(s)

    Preview content

    Here you can read more about content preview: MISSING LINK

    Refresh content

    Refreshes the selected content(s)

    Restart device

    Restarts the selected device(s)

    Send sensor event data

    Triggers sensor events inside content. Here you can read more about sensor events: MISSING LINK

    Show toast message

    When this action is triggered a toast message will be shown with the given message.

    Snooze device / Wake up device

    This action allows you to remotely control the device status, enabling you to switch it between awake and snooze modes.

  • Target type
    You can choose All, Device, Device Group or Device tag as target type.
  • Target
    Select the target channel for the action
    (Later it will be more than 1 target)



  • Teams
    Here you can select teams to manage and see the datasource
    This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.



How to trigger action?

Create an API key

Here you can read more about the API key creation: MISSING LINK

By clicking on the Generate example link button a modal will open.

Here's what you need to fill in the Generate example link in order to successfully complete the action.

API keyMessageSensor Output
Assign content ✔️
Disable emergency✔️
Enable emergency ✔️
Load URL ✔️
Pause loop ✔️
Preview content ✔️
Refresh content ✔️
Restart device ✔️
Resume loop ✔️
Send sensor event data✔️✔️
Show toast message ✔️✔️
Snooze device ✔️
Wake up device ✔️
  • API keyAlways required
    An API key is essential for a webhook call as it serves as a unique identifier, ensuring that the request is authenticated and authorized. This helps maintain security by verifying that the request is coming from a trusted source, preventing unauthorized access and potential misuse of the webhook.
  • Message
    As a message you can define what should the toast message contain.
  • Sensor output
    In Sensor output you can define the sensor event you want to send via action.


After you filled all the necessary information, you can decide what do you wish to do with the action:

  • Copy link
    After you filled every necessary boxes, you can create a webhook call link, that you can use inside contents as touch actions.
  • Test
    After you filled every necessary boxes, you can test the action on the selected target.