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Microsoft credentials

In the Cloud Credentials menu, you can create and manage Microsoft credentials. Additionally, you can:

  • Add data sources
  • Integrate calendars
  • Sync folders from OneDrive into files

This function only works if Microsoft API is set on your server.

  • You can create a Microsoft credential with the Add new button.

  • In the appearing modal you have to set the Name of the new credential, and choose if it will be a OneDrive or SharePoint credential.

    • As a scope you can select:
      • List
      • Calendar
      • Drive
      • PowerBI
      • Workbook (Excel).
  • After that you can choose from two options, to Authenticate immediately or later.

  • Connected column shows if the credential authenticated or not .


At the end of the column headers you will see a ⚙️ column.

Here you can set the following columns of the displayed device information

The bold columns are enabled by default

  • Connected
  • Name
  • Scope
  • Read Only
  • Registered at
  • Manager user
  • Usage details
  • Creator user
  • Actions


Actions on Microsoft credentials

  • Authenticate credential
    Here you can authenticate the previously sat credential.
  • Edit Microsoft credential
    Here you can manage the team's access for devices.


    • You can rename the credential

    • You can select a manager user to manage the access list.

    • You can select teams to access the credential

    If you set a Manager User the other users will only see the folders and items that the Manager User sat as available in the access list!

  • Manage access list
    Here you can manage the access list as a Manager user.


    The selection is not recursive, you have to select the sub-folders and individual devices under the selected folders in order to make them accessible! If the manager user does not make limitations in the access list, everything will be available for other users.

  • Remove credential
    With this button you can remove your credential


Page controller

On the right top corner of the users page you can

  • search by name
  • navigate to knowledge base.