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Device offline - Alert rule

Immediate Notification:
Receive alerts when selected screens go offline, enabling swift issue identification and resolution.

Issue detection:
Address device problems or internet outages with proactive alerts.

Visual Indicators:
Alert icons are automatically applied to screens meeting alert conditions, ensuring visibility.

Add device offline alert rule

Basic Information

The bold columns are enabled by default

  • Name

  • Teams
    Here you can select teams to manage and see the alert rule
    This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.
  • Message
    Here you can define the message you want to see when the device goes offline.
  • Enabled
    If you disable the device offline alert, it will no longer send notifications to recipients or display alert icons on the screens.
  • Notification channels
    Here, you can select the recipients who should receive the alerts from the system.
  • Folders
    Here, you can select the target device folders where the alert rule will monitor the network status.
  • Excluded devices
    If you prefer not to receive alerts from devices inside the selected folder, you can exclude them from the alert. You won't receive alerts from these devices.
  • Recursive
    Disabled by default. If you enable this option the alert rule will be applicable to sub-folders devices under the target device folder you selected.
    • Excluded folders
      If you prefer not to receive alerts from folders inside the selected folder, you can exclude them from the alert. You won't receive alerts from those devices inside the excluded folder(s) .
  • Offline minutes
    1 by default. This shows the number of minutes elapsed from the last online status until the alert is triggered.
    If you leave this field empty, the value will be set to 0.
  • Delay after alert
    2 by default. Number of minutes until the next evaluation after the alert.
    If you leave this field empty, the value will be set to 0.
  • Enable tag filter
    Disabled by default. If you enable this option, you will be able to filter the devices by tags.
    • Tag filter type
        Include by tags
        Devices that match the tags you set in the box will be included alongside the selected devices.


        Exclude by tags
        Devices that match the tags you set in the box will be excluded from the selected devices.
    • Logical operator type
        Any match
        Devices that match the at least 1 of the tags you set in the box will be included or excluded from the selected devices.


        All match
        Devices that has all tags you set in the box will be included or excluded from the selected devices.


Working times

  • Working days
    All days are selected by default.
  • All day
    All days are enabled by default, if you disable it you will be able to set working hours.
    • Working hours
      You can set working hours to define when the alert should send notification to the recipient.
    • Time zone
      You can set timezone here.

⚙️ Column settings

In the column settings, you can customize the information displayed for each item in the list. This allows you to choose whether you want to see more details or a simpler view with less information.


The bold columns are enabled by default

  • Enabled
  • Name
  • Message
  • Type
  • Working days
  • Working hours
  • Delay after alert
  • Actions


The bold columns are enabled by default

In the actions settings, you can choose which actions are available for you to use directly on the selected item. This lets you customize which actions you see and can perform.

  • Active alerts
    Here you can see if the alert is enabled or not.
  • Edit
    Here you can edit the notification channel.
  • Remove
    Here you can remove the notification channel.

Page controller
On the right top corner of the page you can

  • search by name
  • navigate to knowledge base

Page limit

  • Above the list on the left you can select under the Show ▿ button how many items you want to see inside the list.