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Import contents from Archive

Click on the sign on next to the Contents header, then select the Import contents from archive option

In the modal, you can

  • Target folder for content files
    Select the folder where you wish to store the files from the imported content
    If you leave it as it is, a folder will be created in the root folder
  • Avoid duplicated files
    To avoid file duplication, switch on the Avoid duplicated files
    If you wish to import a content more than once, the files from the first import will be used instead of creating a new folder.
  • Teams
    Here you can select teams to manage and see the device
    This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.

After you decided where your files should be stored, click on the Next button

This will open a new modal where you can select or drag & drop the exported files.

Final steps
  • After you finished the selecting, click on the Import button.
  • If you wish to discard everything, then select Abort.