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Schedule with Only-play

OnlyPlay is a flexible scheduling system that allows you to pre-define the exact hours, days, dates, or time periods when your items are active.
This ensures your content is perfectly timed for maximum engagement and effectiveness.


Make sure the time zone of your device is configured correctly so that Only-Play can keep your schedules.

Where can you find only-play modal?

In Loop editor you can enable only-play settings on your loop slides.

If you switch off the Play always button, you will see a modal where you can set the following things:

Between dates

  • Here you can define a date when your Loop slide should start play and when should it stop.

On these days

  • In this section you can add affected days or select all days of the week.

Between hours

  • In this section you can define a time range between hours when the Loop should play.


  • In probability, you can add a percentage value to define the likelihood of a slide playing in the campaign playlist. This option is only useful if the loop is part of a campaign; otherwise, it has no effect.

The Only-Play setting on a Loop slide cannot be stacked or duplicated. It will play only within the specified time range.

Multiple Only play blocks

This applies only to content pages, campaigns, and messages.

Loop Only-play settings cannot be stacked or duplicated, and may not contain some of these settings.

You can define multiple only play blocks with:

  • Copy Interval: Duplicate the current interval block to create a new one.
  • Add Interval: Add a new active play block.



These examples apply to content pages, campaigns, and messages.

Loop Only play settings cannot be stacked or duplicated, and text type messages may not contain some of these settings.

Simple affected hours setup

Affected days: Mon - Sun
Affected hours: 10:00 - 20:00


Simple reversed type affected hours setup

Affected days: Mon - Sun
Affected hours: 13:00 - 00:00


The item will be playing every day from 1 PM to 12 AM aka 13:00 - 00:00

Allow partial ending segment

Affected days: Mon - Sun
Affected hours: 14:00 - 05:00


With the Allow partial ending segment function, the item can complete the last day's last segment before midnight.

Allow partial starting segment

Affected days: Mon - Sun
Affected hours: 14:00 - 05:00


With the Allow partial starting segment function, the item can complete the first day's first segment after midnight.

Allow day of a week overflow

Allow day of a week overflow

Affected days: Mon - Sat
Affected Hours: 14:00 - 05:00


With the Allow day of a week overflow function, the item can complete the last affected day's last segment before midnight and it allows the item to finish itself in the next day after the last affected day even if it is not an affected day.